
How to start learning OpenGl once again

Started by December 04, 2018 06:16 PM
13 comments, last by JaredBGreat 6 years ago

Getting on with OpenGL

Hi all,

It's a long time from the first time period I started to learn OpenGL as a beginner of that language. Now I have forgotten almost everything 
about that language and need to re-start. At the foregoing time I suppose the link below was suggested for me to commence learning OpenGL:

My questions are:
1- Is this webpage still the best way to start learning OpenGl for a beginner?
2- Is it up-to-date or is there any better one for me to start which is straightforward, easy to read, complete and new, please?
What is your recommendation please?


1. I don't know if there's a best way, everybody doesn't (like to) learn the same way, but what I can say is these tutorials are very easy to follow and understand.

2. It's OpenGL 3.3 so modern OpenGL. So I think you can read this, and search for features that were added in later versions, and learn what you want/need.


Thank you very much. So I start reading that book and if I have questions on the way, I will ask them here. OK?

You can try youtube tutorial if you like,better for beginner,teach you from how to install opengl and how to debug step by step.

More useful for beginner.

I learned OpenGL using, but before that I watched OpenGL tutorials from ThinMatrix on Youtube. The tutorials are in Java, which was not that useful to me, but they have great visual explanations for all new concepts. If you are doing C++, I would recommend watching the tutorials (and skipping most of the coding in them), and then following along with learnopengl.

I learn OpenGL 3 by making simple clone games from different tutorials. was difficult for me for starting, but now it is very usefull for continuous. I started from the book: I rewrite examples from this book to TypeScript/WebGL and C#/OpenTK. I learn tutorials in Python/GLFW, C++/GLFW, Java/GLFW/LWJGL. I think it is usefull for me to learn more than one programming language and translate from one language to another and see what is the difference between them. But I don't want learn legacy OpenGL only at least OpenGL ES 2.0 because WebGL 1.0 is based on it.

It is very fun way to learn OpenGL, general programming and languages by making simple games and by improving them.

I wrote this clone game in WebGL/TS and Blender -> Click To Play

You can get play with source code of my Snake 2D game on Playground
GitHub Source.


Thank you all very much. I appreciate all of your help to make me step forward and make progress.

Few questions to understand the rest:

1- Is OpenGL mainly for creating games? 3D games for both Windows and smartphones platforms?

2- Aren't there any tutorial videos you have watched previously and know they're good for beginners, but in C++.

Tutorial Series about how to make your own simple 2D game engine in modern OpenGL 3+ and SDL: Advanced C++/Graphics Tutorials

Book: Build your own 2D Game Engine
Source code for the book:
You can translate WebGL examples to OpenGL 3+

On 12/4/2018 at 9:16 PM, test opty said:

Now I have forgotten almost everything

I made this example. I hope it will usefull for you. I glad to answer any questions.

If you have another version of VS you need to select "Platform Toolset" like in the attached screenshot.


  • GLFW - lightweight crossplatform library for creating a window and handling keyboard and mouse events
  • OpenGL 3.1 - multilanguage crossplatform API for working with graphics by writing shaders
  • GLM - lightweight crossplatform header only library linear algebra
  • GLAD - lightweight crossplatform header only library for include OpenGL functions in your program. It is an analog of GLEW




Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. :)

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