Hello everyone,
I currently play around with reflection probes in a deferred renderer and I'm a bit stuck on how to apply the probes. I have one global skybox and several local probes with bounding boxes, which may overlap. So - my questions are:
1) In a forward renderer I would bind all the probes, find the ones that influence the current object and blend them somehow. For deferred I would basically render the probes' volumes, but how can I calculate individual weights if I just render volume after volume? I've read through this article and some of the references, but couldn't find anything, sorry if I overlooked something.
2) Low resolution reflection probes should not contain the skybox. I would like to use the high resolution skybox as reflection source for any pixel that reflects the sky. Would this work / does this make sense? Maybe with using the stencil buffer somehow to mask those "unrendered" areas?
I'm touching this subject for the first time, so any help or pointers in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks!