Hey everyone I am looking for JAVA DEVELOPERS & WEB DEVELOPERS! ?
Project Summary:
The project is going to be multiple libraries used to aid JAVA developers in the creation of 2D games, 3D games, and Graphical user interfaces, along with scripting support.
to redefine lightweight java libraries and eliminate all the technical hassles that come along with them.
Library GOALS:
1). Create libraries to aid our java developers (who will be creating our games and tools) and other developers around the world.
2). Fine tune these libraries until they are as slim as possible,
3). Make these libraries so easy to use that people may call you a noob for using them.
Basic Requirements: (you'll be further tested once established)
2). need a UNIVERSAL mindset, when I say this.. I mean that you need to always think about how things within our libraries... "can be universal, flexible and customizable based on the user's predicted needs."
3). comply with general rules, (including but not limited too: (1.) Flaming, (2.) Downgrading (there is constructive criticism and then there is you just being an incorrect punk), (3.) taking credits for another's work.)
(note: Anyone caught breaking the few rules above will be terminated immediately)
(note 2: These requirements may or may not be changed in the future.)
I usually give everyone a chance no matter the skill level, but I will let you know if its not working out.
Why do I need a web developer?:
I will need a web developer who can work on a site (there is no deadline), we need a database setup and a few pages, I've already got the web server up just need a developer.
Discord: codyorr4 (#2329)