
What are you working on?

Started by October 08, 2018 12:50 AM
31 comments, last by RhinoBladeX2 5 years, 9 months ago

An update on my project wavesim: I successfully implemented the stepping scheme outlined in the paper for a 2D rectangle:


The next step is to support transmission between multiple domains.

I also stress-tested my octree with a 10 million polygon sphere, here is the structure imported into blender (since I don't have any graphics support at the moment):


It's an 8 level deep tree, it builds in about 1 second and there are less than 500 calls to malloc(). The octree is needed for faster AABB/polygon collision checks during voxelization.


"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Finest Undead Coop Killing

“Finest Undead Coop Killing” is a 3D, top down shooter for up to 4 players where you have to fight against endless hordes of zombies, which spawn in waves and come
in different types with different attacks and stats.
The game ends, when all players are dead, which is inevitable to come..

The game's pace is fast. Run for the free spaces, take your time at aiming and use your skill wisely. We put a lot of effort into
the controls, to achieve a very direct control of your character.

You can hold up to 2 weapons in seperated slots and also up to 3 grenades.

There are 17+ different weapons, each with randomly generated weaponstats.
The weapons come with different quality levels, which are visualized through different weapon colors:

white: no extra weaponstats
green: 1-2 extra random weaponstats.
blue: 3-4 extra random weaponstats.
magenta: 5-6 extra random weaponstats.

There are 20+ different weaponstats which can differ in values (e.g. 5% lifesteal). The number of possible combinations is huge.

You can choose your class after wave 3. There are 3 different classes, with different bonuses as well as an active skill.

For example the TANK is stronger with melee weapons, can get a lot of armor and draw the attention of a group of zombies as his special ability. 
The RANGER has improvements for ranged weapons and can shoot a powerful exploding bullet.
The third class is called the SPECIALIST which unlocks special weapons like flamethrower, gatling and rocketlauncher. The specialist's class ability is to heal his teammates.

After wave 5 you can choose your first perk. This perk will give you significant bonus for the next 4 waves.

You can choose out of 2 random perks, if you play multiplayer their power is dependant on your level in relation to the level of your friends. Best player gets lowest bonus,
worst player gets most bonus. So everybody can have fun and nobody is “holding up the party”.

There are currently 10 diffrent perks in the game. More are coming.

Do you like what you see ?

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I'm working on Other Realms. A text RPG game that blends freeform roleplaying with a pinch of table top and a bit of mmorpg. It's really cool. I'm shooting for the idea of letting characters do anything, and not just in the freeform sense. Item crafting, weapon crafting, run a store in the world if they want, run a tavern, and inn, a blacksmith. Anything. It's taken me a couple years now, mainly because I'm like a monkey on typewriter. I finally got all the skills down.

No screen shots yet, but more text if anyone wants to check out the world outline. In my projects.


Eeks Games is currently working on Other Realms, an immersive RPG experience for die hard fans.


I am...oh god... what am I even? What is life?!

It's  complicated, let's start there. I have been poked to do a set of presentations of a large fictional universe as a basis of games, novels, comics, and if there is a light at the end of the tunnel, an animated movie. I have worked on it for months, and I recently got the second draft of the first novel done, and am now working on, in no particular order:

- The third and hopefully final draft of the main novel, before full publication.

- 10-20 short form suggestions for small-scale games set in the fictional universe (NOT all to be made, just suggestions).

- 1 or 2 detailed suggestions for large scale games utilizing the universe created.

- Semi-open participation platform for outside writers, game developers, comics artists, and more to easily adopt the universe for third party creations.

- Not having an aneurism.

- Getting my bloody washing machine fixed,

Okay, so the last two were perhaps not part of the original question, but I have never done so much work for so much future (hopeful) payoff and so little immediate payoff. I love it, I've rarely had so many creative juices flowing through me, but it is a MINDHUMP of epic proportions!



I'm Kyle Ransford.

Owner of new indie game studio Cenokga Entertainment Studios Ltd. Co. Studio website can be found at

I’ve just recently finished the trailer for my first major game and the Kickstarter project.

Knights of the Silver Table. An action packed 2D Action RPG inspired by the 16-bit era.

The Kickstarter project can be viewed here:

with all the current details about the game.

All the art, Sprites and assets in the trailer were made by myself, except for the music (which I have permission to use) and has taken around a year from idea to development to get to this point.

I estimate it will take around 6 months to complete the game. This game will be the first of many I plan to make. I already have some of the story lines and plots made out for the future games and am working on them currently as well.

A major point about my new game series is the story line. I plan to make it where people can make plots or theories about what will happen next.


Watch the trailer on the Kickstarter project for part of the story.

The games will have 4 player Co-op (online play planned to be added later) and an extra battle mode where people can play together with their friends as couch co-op.

This new game series is something that I’m really pleased with and planning on releasing it on PC with consoles planned.

Feel free to follow me or Cenokga on social networks at

@KyleRansford Twitter/Instagram

@Cenokga Facebook/Twitter/Instagram

Owner of Cenokga Entertainment Studios Ltd. Co.

Creating 8-bit & 16-bit Style Games

I am currently working on an algorithm to generate a convex polyhedron from a set of points in 3D.  I am implementing the QuickHull algorithm.

It seemed straightforward, until I realized I also have to implement the Polyhedron itself - this involves coming up with how to link faces and edges to each other in order to execute the flood fill method that generates the 3D horizon.

I have managed to generate an icosahedron from 12 points and have verified it to be identical to the known structure.  Even that test was involved, as yet another algorithm had to be developed to generate a polyhedron from a set of faces (in case anyone is interested, you can simply create a tree map of edges to faces and then check the edge of each new face against that map).

Note that I said tree map, as one cannot create a hash of a floating point value - another obstacle that had to be overcome, as even copying a floating point value in memory apparently changes it slightly.  Any floating point comparison has to be done with a tolerance value - including structures such as sets and maps.  So I had to "invent" the 'tolerance set' and the 'tolerance tree map'.

Once this is done, I can then proceed with my cubic Bezier curved surface / plane intersection algorithm, part of which involved generating a convex polyhedron.


15 hours ago, Eleventy said:

I am currently working on an algorithm to generate a convex polyhedron from a set of points in 3D.  I am implementing the QuickHull algorithm.

It seemed straightforward, until I realized I also have to implement the Polyhedron itself - this involves coming up with how to link faces and edges to each other in order to execute the flood fill method that generates the 3D horizon.

I have managed to generate an icosahedron from 12 points and have verified it to be identical to the known structure.  Even that test was involved, as yet another algorithm had to be developed to generate a polyhedron from a set of faces (in case anyone is interested, you can simply create a tree map of edges to faces and then check the edge of each new face against that map).

Note that I said tree map, as one cannot create a hash of a floating point value - another obstacle that had to be overcome, as even copying a floating point value in memory apparently changes it slightly.  Any floating point comparison has to be done with a tolerance value - including structures such as sets and maps.  So I had to "invent" the 'tolerance set' and the 'tolerance tree map'.

Once this is done, I can then proceed with my cubic Bezier curved surface / plane intersection algorithm, part of which involved generating a convex polyhedron.

I've been looking for something like that! I'm trying to do a non-directionally dependent polygon rendering of forms defined as floating points of mass, but I keep getting stuck on the math. Essentially, a Marching Cubes variant that doesn't need a fixed up, down and the other directions. Do you have something that displays and/or describes the methods used, in as clear and detailed terms as possible??


3 hours ago, Embassy of Time said:

I've been looking for something like that! I'm trying to do a non-directionally dependent polygon rendering of forms defined as floating points of mass, but I keep getting stuck on the math. Essentially, a Marching Cubes variant that doesn't need a fixed up, down and the other directions. Do you have something that displays and/or describes the methods used, in as clear and detailed terms as possible??

This is a good PDF overview of how to implement the QuickHull algorithm:  It was written by a Software Engineer at Valve.  For my implementation of it, I am referencing this PDF.

Note the invariants that are mentioned, as they are important, especially for faces with more than three points.  Without taking those into account, you will run into cases where you'll generate cubes with triangles instead of squares, etc.

The algorithm also shows how to do it in 2D just for reference, but there is a much better method in 2D to get the convex polygon (Graham Scan).


I've got my next Commodore 64 hobby project, MW ULTRA, in the pipeline. It's actually a reboot of my first C64 game from about 20 years ago. Back then it was a simplistic platformer / shooter, now the plan is to integrate shooting, close combat and stealth mechanics while still keeping it a sidescroller. There should also be a story of conspiracy & intrigue.

Here's a work-in-progress video from a few months back with placeholder background & enemy graphics, where hiding behind cover, performing a surprise takedown, and alerting enemy with noise is being tested:


An update to y’all: chapter one of my webcomic is finished! You can find it on my newly minted website:


Here’s a fun poster!7CBE31A6-8680-4BEE-831E-3EC6652CFD03.thumb.jpeg.aed19e541b6537e864185e7dfd43abf9.jpeg

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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