Hello! I need some advice on my new library, I'm not really confident about it... First a little of introduction:
One of my biggest problems when creating a game or a game engine was how to perform the resource management (loading files, editing them, etc). I could just use a default "Data" folder, put all my files here and load them using the standard ways but we know that this is something problematic when the project starts to grow. I also don't think (or at least I don't know) there is a good library that could help with this task.
Yeah I could use zlib or something like that but I decided to create my own, I did some improvements here and there, created a decent (at least I think) introduction/tutorial on its git page but I really don't know if any developer would use it on its currently state.
Here is the link https://github.com/RodrigoHolztrattner/Packet (written in c++). It uses hashed paths to perform fast-mapping searches, it has 2 operation modes (one that allows editing and the other that is focused on performance), all resources uses reference counting and it has some other things that are listed on its github page (like the hot-reload capability for example). Unfortunatelly there are no working examples for now but I plan to add them in the future.
Now I ask you, what do you think about using a library like this? Is it something that you would use for your game? Have I done some kind of overthinking when building it? Like I said I'm not really confident about it (although I'm using it on my projects and I feel it suit them really nice).
Thank you for your time!