
PAX Dev 2018 Only 11 Days Away - August 28-29 in Seattle

Started by August 17, 2018 05:15 PM
0 comments, last by khawk 6 years, 1 month ago


PAX Dev 2018 is exactly 11 days away, and we wanted to highlight some of this year’s features.

Ben Brode kicks off this year’s event with a keynote about “The Little Things That Matter A Lot”. In this talk, he’ll be discussing some of the many mistakes he’s made throughout his term as Hearthstone Game Director and how small details ultimately add up to big ones.  

Other topics of interest include Darkest Dungeon animator Brooks Gordon discussing his artistic process, A Niantic roundtable, game marketing panels, a game lawyer AMA, tips for funding your game, various panels about prototyping and more development content from sound in your game to building puzzles. Other speakers include current and former employees of Stoic, Microsoft, Discord, Epic, EA, Digipen, Twitch, Pixar and so many more.

One of the most intriguing new features this year is PAX’s collaboration with to develop a networking app to pair its users with industry peers and other individuals of the like.

PAX Dev has also joined forces with CGX to bring attendees a top notch one-on-one mentoring event  to further expand upon the networking opportunities and encourage collaboration and growth. You can sign up for the mentor lounge as a mentor or a mentee.

Badges are available for purchase here. If you're an IGDA Member you can get 15% off - to access the code login to your IGDA account.

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