
The Mixed Reality Capture result of HoloLens does not look correct

Started by August 12, 2018 06:13 PM
2 comments, last by YixunLiu 6 years, 5 months ago

I want to render a hologram inside a real object. But the Mixed Reality Capture result shows the hologram looks like out of the real object. Please see the attached image in which the real object is a lampshade.




And how does it look in the HoloLens glasses? From your question it isn't clear whether the problem appears only in Mixed Reality Capture (or whether you don't even have the device and you are using only the simulation). MRC looks quite different than the real view, because it works very differently. The two biggest differences are that MRC doesn't suffer from the very low angle of view and that MRC uses subtractive rendering (like the standard DirectX rendering on a monitor screen), while the physical device uses additive rendering (adding light to the real world view just like a projector).

Anyway, I'm not even sure that what you want to achieve is possible with HoloLens. It will scan the lamp with its 3D scanning sensor, and it will use this data to mask the hologram if it's behind the real object. But I'm not really sure it will be able to properly realise that the lamp is hollow and that the hologram should be inside, but still visible from the bottom. The scanner also isn't really very accurate.

Oh and btw, if you only have the simulator and not the physical device, then this will not work at all. There is no way how the simulator can know that there is a lamp in the scene which should mask (hide) the hologram ;)



Thank you so much TomKQT.

I did not describe my question clearly. I have a HoloLens device and even look through it I cannot get a feeling that the red hologram is inside the lampshade.

BTW,  I did not scan the lampshade. The suggestion I got from other people is scanning the lampshade and render its outer edges.


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