
Vampire Empire 5 ccg cosmic strategy tbs

Started by August 11, 2018 03:23 PM
1 comment, last by alice vvonderland 6 years, 4 months ago

Vampire Empire standart x



cosmic TBS CCG “Vampire Empire : Deep Range 5


Vampire Empire Deep Range 5

mobile platform : Android / PC

genre :  cosmic turn-based strategy : multiplayer cosmic TBS

consistency : Star Maps

Heroes on the Cruisers to 5 for the Coalition of  5 Coalitions in the Game

Phantoms-Pirates as Neutrals

unique special points ( USP ) : Espionage / Diplomacy / Trade

5 types of bases : Trade / Military / Academy / Scientific / Center of the Coalition

5 types of fighters :  V Y X S C : VYX Star Control

5 races : Gaallax / Feynix / Xumanax / Wellenix / Zaxxx

ССG : Collectible Cards Game

for adult community / game art


V : The fastest of all Fleet ships is the V-shaped ship ( Vampire )

the easiest of the ships, mostly used as Police inside the Star System


X : xstyler - as light as V - is more often used for fighting in the Hero's deck

X and V are almost the same size although X is a quarter more in firepower and Price,

xstyler is a steep Craxxx technology, but in turn V is still faster than xstyler


Y : Yo-Yo - Heavy Ship - are more often used for combat operations under System Defense

usually when there is no Cruiser Hero in the System

the System needs Guardians of these Star Systems

such is the Guard Dominator of Star Systems starry PlasmazorY / Yo-Yo


S : Sphere - very Heavy Ship - more often used for combat operations under System Defense

usually when there is no Cruiser Hero in the System

need Guardians of these Star Systems ( Spherexxx / Spherogs / Spheroid )

temporarily can serve as a Couple of Spheres who are the Military Merchant ( the Bowl )


C : Cube - very Heavy Ship - less commonly used for combat operations under System Defense

usually when there is no Cruiser Hero in the System

the System needs Guardians of these Star Systems

such is the Guard Dominator of Star Systems ( Cubexxx / Cuborg / Cyborg )

temporarily can serve as a Couple of Spheres or one Cube: are Military Merchant ships

Cube - used by independent semi-Cyborgs - rarely appears in Star Systems

in the main transfer, for Protection  can be hired from Neutral Merchants for a Worthy Fee

and usually Protection occurs Several Tours of those Systems that are mutually commercially viable ...




Five famous space Coalitions

come to each other in a fight for possession of the most Convenient Location

of tactical part of the galaxy in this Quadrant:

the presence of numerous inhabited planets

in each colonized Star System makes that Challenge desirable,

and Welcome to the most daring and experienced Pirates of Galaxy

famous pirate of Galaxy Quadrant is Hux

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