
Do you still play video games?

Started by July 26, 2018 10:47 PM
26 comments, last by Robert Rise 6 years, 2 months ago

Simply curious. Do you still play video games and has being part of the industry changed how you interact with the medium?

Yes, although I try to put as much work into my game as possible, I do take gaming breaks though. Few days ago I bought PUBG and it is bringing me so much fun. :)


I definitely play less games, since I started making them. Even so I try to play at least 1 hour a day, just to keep in touch with what is being made. Some weekend days I will spend maybe 4 hours gaming.

I also play slow moving games, like visual novels and turn based games when ever I am working. This way I can make a move every time I just finished something.

30 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:

I definitely play less games, since I started making them. Even so I try to play at least 1 hour a day, just to keep in touch with what is being made. Some weekend days I will spend maybe 4 hours gaming.

I also play slow moving games, like visual novels and turn based games when ever I am working. This way I can make a move every time I just finished something.

Very cool. Love turned based games.

I'm still playing my NES, and SNES regularly plus mostly retro games. I'm stuck in the 80-90's still. :D 

Programmer and 3D Artist

5 hours ago, Rutin said:

 I'm stuck in the 80-90's still. :D 


I am stuck in 80-90-2000's but I recognize that I play well less than before. I just finished Mass effect Trilogy last month. I don't play mostly because I don't like the new games than because I am making some.

I've been in the industry for 8 years and I've almost stopped playing. I'd say I play 1-8 hours a month.

I generally try to avoid staring at any kind of screen outside of work and spend time out with friends and family.

I do play many indie under-construction games-to-be, though, but that doesn't add up to much time :)

EDIT: Oh, how sad it is, when I read it :( I'd also like to state that I like new games a lot, as well as I like old games.


Not nearly as much as I used to as a youngster, but I'm trying to fit sessions in on a regular basis.  I've currently got my eye on getting Fire Emblem Echoes for my 2DS to play during lunch breaks.

Actually, Guntmods' Dune2K has made its way onto my desktop and I really need to curb it.  But what the hell...long live the fighters!  o_O

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage

Only casual games really, or stuff on my phone like snooker/Scrabble/chess. I never really liked story-based games so games that took big chunks of my life are things like PES and Trackmania and Quake-bots.


I have not yet played a game on which I have worked after release, but I started the Nintendo Club inside Square Enix where I aggressively forced unwitting coworkers into daily lunch games and tournaments, and I play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U daily (except this week because I have a more fulfilling hobby at the moment).

Now at work we sometimes help the rest of the office concentrate by screaming and yelling and laughing at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.  These happy cheers must surely bring a happy atmosphere into their office lives and surely they get their work done faster.

Also, I play the game of life, baby.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I set myself the goal of trying to complete a game a month, sometimes it takes a lot longer though, given I am definitely not as good at games as I once was! Though I do find myself preferring to develop my own stuff and I think its often more important to  go outside and get some sunlight. 



Unity Developer, C#, C++, Game Developer

I am currently employed as a Unity Developer at New Moon Studios in York working on a range of augmented and virtual reality applications and game

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