9 hours ago, JoeJ said:To me it is not, it is an open research topic.
However, if you, somebody who is more involved in physics than myself i guess, says it is simple,
Really single body dynamic involving a Newton laws and law of summing forces and torques. So its is simple for understand and implement. To extend it to multibody dynamics is require to compute response impulses of contacts only. This calculation involves again Newtons laws that is simple, and compuing of contact points and normals that can be very very complexive. But collision detection and prediction is a analitic geometry, not a phisics. And it really can be very complexive. For example convex aproximation of bodies is simple, but have a quaric computation complexity and gives inaccurate normals. Curved approximation is more complexive to understand, but in most cases have a linear complexity and normals is allways accurate. But with extending complexity of bodies, growth complexity of math involved to collisions detection . Some time it bring problems that very hard to solve, becouse tools of solutions is not works. For example the separation axis theorem will not work for curved torus, becouse it can not be cuted to convex bodies.
Just looks like you studing to become a Software Engeneer, and all your dreams about making next-gen gaming engines. Feel the difference with just a gamer that call something a phisics. To make engines you have to know how exactly it works inside and have skills to research something that nobody implemented yet. But to do it, at least required to know what same branch of phisics and mathematics involved, just to know what same to research and what same books can help with it.
Just for example tehcnique with aprroximation of bodies by grids of paricles comes from CADs, where it used at least for 15 years for advanced soft bodies simulations (really nothing is ridgid in real word). Only problem that this technique have - is huge memory requirments to model a complexe world. So to be used for games it require just to find a fast algo to convert curved bodies to grid approximation when it waked up or have other moving objects that anble to affect it. In case guys that made this demo has find this algo, thay really genious.