I am rendering a large number of objects for a simulation. Each object has instance data and the size of the instance data * number of objects is greater than 4GB.
CreateCommittedResource is giving me: E_OUTOFMEMORY Ran out of memory.
My PC has 128GB (only 8% ish used prior to testing this), I am running the DirectX app as x64. <Creating a CPU sided resource so GPU ram doesn't matter here, but using Titan X cards if that's a question>
Simplified code test that recreates the issue (inserted the code into Microsofts D3D12HelloWorld):
unsigned long long int siz = pow(2, 32) + 1024;
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS options; //MaxGPUVirtualAddressBitsPerResource = 40
m_device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS, &options, sizeof(options));
HRESULT oops = m_device->CreateCommittedResource(
if (oops != S_OK)
printf("Uh Oh");
I tried enabling "above 4G" in the bios, which didn't do anything. I also tested using malloc to allocate a > 4G array, that worked in the app without issue.
Are there more options or build setup that needs to be done? (Using Visual Studio 2015)
*Other approaches to solving this are welcome too. I thought about splitting up the set of items to render into a couple of sets with a size < 4G each but would rather have one set of objects.
Thank you.