Hi guys,
I've never done any ray-casting before and have a problem using it in my game. I have managed to get the initial raycast to work and drawing rays is much easier now to me but if the ball were to bounce against the top of the bottom walls in my game of pong, I want to raycast from those points as quickly as possible to predict where it is going to end up on the computer side, my code for it is below.. I've tried to annotate to help demonstrate my problem.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class RaycastTest : MonoBehaviour {
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
private RaycastHit2D hit;
private Vector2 predictedCollision;
private Vector2 collisionPoint;
private int numberOfCollisions;
void Start () {
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
numberOfCollisions = 0;
void FixedUpdate () {
//Directions of the ball (normalized)
Vector3 forward3 = new Vector3 (rb2d.velocity.normalized.x, rb2d.velocity.normalized.y, 0) * 20;
Vector2 forward2 = new Vector2 (rb2d.velocity.normalized.x, rb2d.velocity.normalized.y);
// If the ball has just hit the player paddle
if (BallMovement.isOnPath == true) {
if (numberOfCollisions == 0) {
//make sure we have the correct initial collision point from another script
collisionPoint = BallMovement.collisionPoint;
//draw and cast a ray to detect the next point of collision
Debug.DrawRay (collisionPoint, forward3, Color.red, 20f);
hit = Physics2D.Raycast (collisionPoint, forward2, Mathf.Infinity);
//print the name of the object that has been hit
print (hit.collider.name);
//change the initial collision point to the new one
collisionPoint = new Vector2 (hit.point.x, hit.point.y);
print (collisionPoint);
//add on to the number of collisions
numberOfCollisions += 1;
print (numberOfCollisions);
//if we still haven't reached the HitArea we need to do another bounce
if (hit.collider.name != "HitArea") {
//make sure we get the velocity after impact and reverse the direction of the y velocity.
forward2 = new Vector2(rb2d.velocity.normalized.x, rb2d.velocity.normalized.y * -1f);
forward3 = new Vector3 (rb2d.velocity.normalized.x, rb2d.velocity.normalized.y * -1f, 0) * 20;
//draw and cast a ray to detect the next point of collision
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(collisionPoint, forward2, Mathf.Infinity);
Debug.DrawRay(collisionPoint, forward3, Color.red, 20f);
//change the initial collision point to the new one
collisionPoint = hit.point;
print (collisionPoint);
//add on to the number of collisions
numberOfCollisions += 1;
//If we've hit the HitArea, we reset everything so it stops looping and we've got our predicted point of collision on the computer side.
if (hit.collider.name == "HitArea") {
predictedCollision = hit.point;
numberOfCollisions = 0;
BallMovement.isOnPath = false;
My real question is, when you have a script attached to the ball, like this one, is the raycast attached and moving with the ball? Do I need to make a script on the side? Or can I remove the initial raycast attached and start a new one from the new collision point if it hits the top or bottom boundary?
Thanks guys!