i try to implement voxel cone tracing in my game engine.
I have read many publications about this, but some crucial portions are still not clear to me.
At first step i try to emplement the easiest "poor mans" method
a. my test scene "Sponza Atrium" is voxelized completetly in a static voxel grid 128^3 ( structured buffer contains albedo)
b. i dont care about "conservative rasterization" and dont use any sparse voxel access structure
c. every voxel does have the same color for every side ( top, bottom, front .. )
d. one directional light injects light to the voxels ( another stuctured buffer )
I will try to say what i think is correct ( please correct me )
GI lighting a given vertecie in a ideal method
A. we would shoot many ( e.g. 1000 ) rays in the half hemisphere which is oriented according to the normal of that vertecie
B. we would take into account every occluder ( which is very much work load) and sample the color from the hit point.
C. according to the angle between ray and the vertecie normal we would weigth ( cosin ) the color and sum up all samples and devide by the count of rays
Voxel GI lighting
In priciple we want to do the same thing with our voxel structure.
Even if we would know where the correct hit points of the vertecie are we would have the task to calculate the weighted sum of many voxels.
Saving time for weighted summing up of colors of each voxel
To save the time for weighted summing up of colors of each voxel we build bricks or clusters.
Every 8 neigbour voxels make a "cluster voxel" of level 1, ( this is done recursively for many levels ).
The color of a side of a "cluster voxel" is the average of the colors of the four containing voxels sides with the same orientation.
After having done this we can sample the far away parts just by sampling the coresponding "cluster voxel with the coresponding level" and get the summed up color.
Actually this process is done be mip mapping a texture that contains the colors of the voxels which places the color of the neighbouring voxels also near by in the texture.
Cone tracing, howto ??
Here my understanding is confus ?? How is the voxel structure efficiently traced.
I simply cannot understand how the occlusion problem is fastly solved so that we know which single voxel or "cluster voxel" of which level we have to sample.
Supposed, i am in a dark room that is filled with many boxes of different kind of sizes an i have a pocket lamp e.g. with a pyramid formed light cone
- i would see some single voxels near or far
- i would also see many different kind of boxes "clustered voxels" of different sizes which are partly occluded
How do i make a weighted sum of this ligting area ??
e.g. if i want to sample a "clustered voxel level 4" i have to take into account how much per cent of the area of this "clustered voxel" is occluded.
Please be patient with me, i really try to understand but maybe i need some more explanation than others
best regards evelyn