10 minutes ago, Angelic Ice said:
Ah! My issue with PHP is that is not statically typed, so I might stick with another solution anyway : ) But thanks for this insight, one never knows when that will help me!
I think you are confused here. HTTPS has nothing to do with PHP or its nuances.
All the features you are asking can be simply done using standard web HTTP REST API interface. Similar to forums, Google Maps API, Twitter, Facebook, etc. This is language agnostic, and virtually all languages should have some libraries to do this. PHP, Java, Go, Python, Ruby, whatever that fancies you. HTTP supports file uploads.
HTTPS is a secure protocol on top of HTTP. It's always a good idea to use it. The hosting company can do it for you. If you are into system administrator and stuff, you can do it your own as long as you have the certificate. Again, this has nothing to do with the language.
Some languages are single-threaded like PHP, Ruby, and Python, and actually will have some problems handling multiple HTTP/S requests at the same time, and therefore needs additional libraries and tooling to do the threading, forking, and buffering so some users aren't getting a 500. This is where Apache and Nginx comes in to buffer those requests before getting into your code.