
What's your favorite Terrain Tool?

Started by April 05, 2018 02:27 PM
1 comment, last by Scouting Ninja 6 years, 11 months ago

Hello everyone!

I've been looking into terrain tools lately, and have the feeling they aren't talked about as much online as other tools, so I thought I'd start a thread on it :)

My favorite so far is the World Creator (2, not the old one), as it's super easy to use and to import into Unity. Atm I'm only playing around with it to see how much can be done, so I haven't used it in a game yet. But that can still come, once I have more free time and an actual idea for an outdoor-game :P

So what are your favorite tools for terrain creation (if you use any at all)?


For height maps I use Substance Designer and satellite data (Digital Elevation Model, DEM) that is available for free. Aster is among the most common used for this at the moment.

The best part about Substance is that for $20 a month and you get Substance Designer with Substance Painter. This is two professional quality tools for only $20. You also get Substance B2M but it's only useful when you need textures quickly.

It does take a bit more knowledge and effort to make terrains like this but the software has a million other uses and is worth having.


At work I mostly use Unreal 4's terrain tool.

Unreal has a voxel based terrain data that the mesh is drawn over, this allows for copying and pasting "chunks" of terrain and modding it. You can also export this data to use it in 3D software like Blender and import it right back and use as a brush or chunk.


Honorable  mentions, these are good for editing small things:

Free software: Blender and Gimp(With plugins for 16bit, Gimp 2.10 will support 16 bit when released). Paid versions of the same software: 3Ds Max and Photoshop.

ZBrush(Paid) for sculpting.

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