Brute-force path tracing using Cosine-Weighted Hemisphere Sampling applied to the Rendering Equation:
(P.S.: the title is in Dutch, since I need to teach this in a Dutch course, but is not really required to understand the big picture)
Once, you have sampled a vector over a standard hemisphere (e.g. hemisphere spanned about the z axis) using Cosine-Weighted Hemisphere Sampling, you need to construct an orthonormal base around the actual shading normal to transform your sampled vector from a standard hemisphere to the hemisphere spanned about the shading normal.
By including the cosine factor in the sampling strategy, you can completely eliminate noise caused by this factor. It is a common practice to include both the BRDF and cosine factor in the sampling strategy to reduce all noise caused by these factors, but that is a no-op for a Lambertian BRDF. Since, the cosine is part of the pdf, it cancels the cosine of the integrand. (You can even "cancel" the pi of your Lambertian BRDF.
To construct the orthonormal base starting with just one basis vector (i.e. shading normal), you can use one of the methods in this repository.
To combine all of this in a path tracer, you can even take a look at this repository, pick a language you like, and you can easily find the few statements related to these topics.