In all presentations regarding software occlusion culling that I have stumbled upon there is mention to use mipmapping of the software rasterized depth buffer to speed up queries. Given that a bounding box covers say 500 pixels on the screen it's better (faster) to test a single pixel from a higher (low-res) mip-level than test many pixels in the lower (high-res) mip-level. But these mipmaps are usually generated using a conservative min or max filter which greatly reduces occlusion culling efficiency.
So an idea popped in my head. Why not, in some cases, instead of storing min or max of depth values, store a plane equation of the triangle that is covering the area? That would greatly help in cases where we have long corridors at angles oblique to the camera. In those cases min filter would act very poorly whereas storing plane equation would work extra precisely.
Variant of this idea was used in one GPU Pro book article about speeding up shadow map testing. Depending on situation, either min/max of Z are stored in helper shadow map or plane equation of the underlying geometry.
I am wondering if anyone here has used or tried using this approach and what the outcomes were.