8 hours ago, Tiny Giraffe said:
but it should be noted this was all done on companys not indie designers
There is less than a 1 000 AAA companies left. That means only 3 000 - 12 000 AAA developers exist at any given time; lots of those are scattered over the world.
If you are aiming to be a developer for a company, you have to be the best of the best; or know the right people. For this reason a lot of people who work in the AAA games industry actually started as indie developers; so that they can prove them self.
It's also true for programmers and artists. I only got a job as a artist after working with a university team on producing a indie horror game. Lot's of the programmers I work with have made games at some point.
All this means is that sooner or later, if you plan on working for a game company, you will also have to work on a indie game.
You don't need to publish, you just need something for your portfolio.
What everyone is telling you is don't get into game development unless you have an undying passion for making games. There isn't a person working for game development companies, who couldn't earn more by using there skill somewhere else.
We do it because we love making games, even if it kills us.