I make games for fun. I also work, have kids and other hobbies.
I find that unlike my bachelor years, where I could pull many all nighters, now I can only pull off short bursts of work here and there. I find that when one only has short work intervals, it is imperative to get right to work instead of procrastinating.
To facilitate this, I have started "managing" my hobby projects by creating a prioritised task list. The first thing I do before I sit down, is read the list. The last thing I do before I get up from a session is: go over and update the list. That way I can context switch in and out of my hobby sessions really fast. This makes every session, no matter how short, very productive.
I have found that before doing this, my short sessions were spent remembering what I should be doing instead of actually doing it.
Another thing I have started doing is: I purposefully insert compilation errors in my code to make sure it "screams" at me the next time I have time to sit and work on my project. For example: I write some comments without a "//" thus reminding me what I was doing and *where* I was doing it. This is very effective if you need to resume work 2 weeks after you last touched it.
So while I have lost control over the qunatity of "hobby" time that is available to me, I have discovered how to raise it's quality.