I'm reading https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/sample-application-for-direct3d-12-flip-model-swap-chains to figure out the best way to setup my swapchain but I dont understand the following:
1 - In "Classic Mode" on the link above, what causes the GPU to wait for the next Vsync before starting working on the next frame?
(eg: orange bar on the second column doesn't start executing right after the previous blue bar)
Its clear it has to wait because the new frame will render to the render target currently on screen, but is there an explicit wait one must do in code? Or does the driver force the wait? If so, how does the driver know? Does it check which RT is bound, so if I was rendering to GBuffer no wait would happen?
2 - When Vsync is off, what does it mean that a frame is dropped and what causes it?