Hello everyone!
I'm making a Breakout clone, just to learn basics of game development. I really want to add CRT display look to my game. But the problem is that I don't know how to achieve this. I think I have these options:
1. Use existing shader (non-GPL licenced).
2. Completely write from scratch using my own intuition.
3. Write from scratch using advices from this post: http://www.piratehearts.com/blog/2014/03/28/crt-simulation/ . But it looks too complicated for a beginner... At the same time looks really cool.43.
I know that most probably I just should take one option and do it, but... Existing shaders are written by professionals, so I doubt my own variant will look as beautiful and perform as fast. At the same time, non-GPL ones are visually too simple compared to, say, CRT-Royale shader, which looks most CRT-ish to me. And a try to make may own theoretically can give me as good result as I can afford by investing my time in it. But then another aspect kicks in: I actually want to finish a game and start working on another one, more complex and little bit more unique.
So... Maybe I can get some advices from you guys? Really feeling frustrated. This is something that really blocks my mind and brakes development process.