Having coded alot, i still get stuck on these things sometimes. I've restarted an old project so I needed to clean it up, fixed paths etc before it could compile. I still have one compile error:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall gameInventory::setSingleSlot(class int2)" (?setSingleSlot@gameInventory@@QAEXVint2@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall gameInventoryMaster::gameInventoryMaster(void)" (??0gameInventoryMaster@@QAE@XZ)
May it be a circular include or something? The function "setsingleSlot" is defined in a file called "inventory.h" which i dont have any references to in my project, so im a little stuck here.
Any ideas?
Happy holidays ya'all!