Just wondering if anyone watches streamers play games. I personally don't most of the time but I watched a few and wondered why anyone would want to watch someone else play a game that looks like fun. Why would you not play the game itself? I have watched a couple of development streams where games are being created and I was hooked. Those are educational and useful and I took some of that knowledge to use on my own game.
The other new category coming out is IRL - in real life. Streamers in this category will stream their daily lives as they go to bars and stuff. I watched one and was bored to the bone. Why would anyone watch someone drinking a beer or walking down the street talking to people. And these people get massive donations. Some of these streamers do dumb things like annoy people or pull stupid pranks. It sounds almost like Tom Green left a legacy and people are trying to capitalize off of it. Does anyone else watch these types of streams?
What do you think of Twitch?