void GS(triangle PSInputPositionNormalTexture input[3],
inout TriangleStream< PSInputPositionNormalTexture > output_stream) {
// Calculate the dominant direction of the surface normal.
// Face normal based on the triangle edges:
// normalize(cross(input[1].p_view - input[0].p_view,
// input[2].p_view - input[0].p_view))
// Normalization is not needed (i.e. uniform scaling):
const float3 abs_n = abs(cross(input[1].p_view - input[0].p_view,
input[2].p_view - input[0].p_view));
const uint dir_xy = (abs_n.x > abs_n.y) ? 0u : 1u;
const uint dir = (abs_n.z > abs_n[dir_xy]) ? 2u : dir_xy;
PSInputPositionNormalTexture output[3];
// Project the triangle in the dominant direction for rasterization (p),
// but not for lighting (p_view).
for (uint i = 0u; i < 3u; ++i) {
output[i].p.xyz = input[i].p_view - g_voxel_grid_center;
if (0u == dir) {
output[i].p.xy = output[i].p.yz;
} else if (1u == dir) {
output[i].p.xy = output[i].p.zx;
// [m] * [voxels/m] * [1/voxels]
output[i].p.xy *= (g_voxel_grid_inv_size * g_voxel_grid_inv_resolution);
output[i].p.zw = float2(0.0f, 1.0f);
output[i].p.zw = float2(1.0f, 1.0f);
output[i].p_view = input[i].p_view;
output[i].n_view = input[i].n_view;
output[i].tex = input[i].tex;
output[i].tex2 = input[i].tex2;
// For each projected triangle, a slightly larger bounding triangle ensures
// that any projected triangle touching a pixel will necessarily touch the
// center of this pixel and thus will get a fragment emitted by the rasterizer.
const float2 delta_10 = normalize(output[1].p.xy - output[0].p.xy);
const float2 delta_21 = normalize(output[2].p.xy - output[1].p.xy);
const float2 delta_02 = normalize(output[0].p.xy - output[2].p.xy);
// Move vertices for conservative rasterization.
output[0].p.xy += normalize(delta_02 - delta_10) * g_voxel_grid_inv_resolution;
output[1].p.xy += normalize(delta_10 - delta_21) * g_voxel_grid_inv_resolution;
output[2].p.xy += normalize(delta_21 - delta_02) * g_voxel_grid_inv_resolution;
// Output a triangle strip of three vertices.
for (uint j = 0u; j < 3u; ++j) {
// Output a vertex.
// End the current triangle strip.
I switched to SM 5.1 and suddenly the warnings I originally got, but couldn't explain, mutated into errors.
FXC gives me 6 identical, cryptical, just-figure-it-out-yourself errors:
Error X4580 emitting a system-interpreted value which is not written in every execution path of the shader. Unconditional initialization may help.
Beside these (which were originally just warnings), I now also got another 4 errors:
Error X4580 this variable dependent on potentially uninitialized data: delta_10
Error X4580 this variable dependent on potentially uninitialized data: delta_10
Error X4580 this variable dependent on potentially uninitialized data: delta_02
Error X4580 this variable dependent on potentially uninitialized data: delta_02
and are associated with the block of code beneath the
"Move vertices for conservative rasterization."
But as one can see very clearly, my parameters and all their channels are completely initialized?