Hi, there's a great tutorial on frustum culling, but impossible to compile because it uses old DirectX 11 types (Direct3DXPlane instead of XMVECTOR, etc). Can someone please help me update this one class - frustumClass - to the new DirectX11 types (XMMATRIX, XMVECTOR, etc)?
Furthermore, can anyone please explain how he gets the minimum Z distance from the projection matrix by dividing one element by another? He leaves no explanation for this math and it's extremely frustrating.
// Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
zMinimum = -projectionMatrix._43 / projectionMatrix._33;
r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
projectionMatrix._33 = r;
projectionMatrix._43 = -r * zMinimum;
Also not sure how to use an XMVECTOR instead of the old Plane class that he uses. Confused as to where all the m12, m13, etc correspond to the elements of an XMVECTOR. I thought you're not supposed to even access the elements of an XMVECTOR directly! So incredibly frustrating.
Please help, thanks.