Conceptually, a SSAA surface ( resolution multiplier x 1 sample per pixel ) and a MSAA surface are identical ( resolution x sample count ). At the hardware level, MSAA surface may use different memory swizzling and tiling, drop fragments, etc.
At the drawing stage, obviously things are different, SSAA is not a thing, you are just using a larger resolution. For MSAA, you get only one fragment per pixel ( unless using the per fragment semantic ), and there locations are not on an aligned grid. ( So to do a better SSAA, you may want to try that also, i can' t comment on performance difference tho )
For the ResolveSubResource, does someone still use it ? Most of the time, you will need to do treatment per fragment anyway, a good example is tonemapping. I can' t certify it for all hardware, but this API is usually a compute pass nowaday on modern GPU, there is no fixed pass for it.
And because ResolveSubResource is dedicated to MSAA, if you want to do SSAA, you will have to write a custom downsampling for it.