Hi again, another quadtree question - this time about neighbour finding in a set of 6 planar quadtrees forming a cube.
At the moment, I've got a single quadtree in the XZ plane so finding neighbouring nodes of the same level is easy - e.g. If a top-left node wants to know it's left-hand neighbour, all it has to do is get a reference to the top-right child of its parent's left-hand neighbour.
This still works for nodes contained on the same side of the cube, but it fails if I want to know a neighbour across the boundary between two different quadtrees in the cube. It doesn't work because the definition of up, left, down or right depends on which border you're querying across so asking for your left-hand neighbor using the above logic will only return the correct cell for some of the faces.
Can anyone think of a way to get this simple system to work for a cube, or will it have to be more complicated? I can't think of a way to make it work without having horrible edge cases resulting in a very inflexible system.
Perhaps I will just have to ignore neighbours across the boundaries and hence have small gaps in the terrain there.
Thanks for the help