OK, my name is Shinji, or Robert. I am a student at Northampton College, I am Autistic, and yes, I may not be involved in the Game Design class as of yet. But I want to design video games, the problem is, I have no programming experience and I'm not too good at art. I have a lot of Ideas, but many of them are unrealistic. One of my projects is really big, but doesn't involve Unrealistic Numbers. It's a class based Hero Shooter with single seater Spider Tanks and Hover Tanks. Here's the main Idea.
Look, I know I'm getting a bit big for my boots. But basically this is a game I want to make. It needs more tweaking though, I realized you can't just two weapon types on one tank, it's not tactical. It needs to be class based to ensure more tactics, so here's the thing. Have classes with Rocketeers, as in Rocket Launchers with 30-clip Rocket Launchers that fire at 3 Rockets per second. Snipers who have Sniping Railguns at 25-clip(Inspired by Widowmaker and Crying Wolf from Overwatch and Metal Gear respectively) Railguns. Minigunners, who use bullet Miniguns that are 500-clip. Plasma Tanks, that rapidly fire Plasma Balls at 400-clip. And Energy Tanks, that fire Energy at 300-clip. And all of them have unlimited reloading ammo like in Overwatch, and a reload button as well. Basically, I want it to be a 6 vs 6 game. With no COD-style Killstreaks. And a Sports Theme.
So basically, there will be 24 Teams in the game. Each with their own individual sponsors, suits, liveries and stadiums. The stadiums vary from simple Speedball-like arenas, to Complete models of Towns. And a season adjuster from 12, 24 to 48 games per season.
Another thing is that the attention to detail in the game must be good, like Daytona USA 2's Attention to detail, the Cockpits have Canopies and you can see individual Pilots in the Cockpit, fully animated, and there would be a radio system which would be the Daytona Radio System combined with Ace Combat's Radio System. The game would have a Team Headquarters system as well, where you can explore the Headquarters in First Person, talk to your fully voiced teammates, and practice on the training range.
I also want full Replays that have Cockpit View and all that, and a Diegetic Interface as well.
My Idea for the game is basically, Cyber Sled combined with Overwatch combined with Metal Drift combined with the basic idea of Motorsport.
I know this is really big, it's not my first idea though, but many of my ideas are too big and involve procedural generation.
I've heard of Kickstarter, maybe that could help. But like I said, I am autistic, don't know art that well, nor programming, but knows how to design a game through words.