
programming in opengl

Started by January 23, 2000 04:51 PM
6 comments, last by node_5r 25 years, 1 month ago
hey all, I am a newbie to opengl programming and i was wondering if all i need to program in opengl is just the drivers to support it or are there special headerfiles that i need. AHHHH i am confused here can you help? node_5r
ive never been doing ogl but i think you will need the gl.h and glu.h files, correct me if im wrong.
All you need for OpenGL programming are gl.h, glu.h, and glaux.h. Also, opengl32.lib, glu.lib and glaux.lib need to be linked to the project.

For more help, check out NeHe''s OpenGL tutorials at
or the OpenGL website at

Hope this helps,
[]Wraith[/email]BasketQase Software
Welcome to the wonderful world of OpenGL!!!

To get started, you''ll need the OpenGL libraries, DLLs, and the headers. You can get these from NeHe''s site (see below)

The best tutorials on OpenGL for Win32 are NeHe''s, you can gram them from:

Grab your favourite C++ compiler, follow the tuts, and you''re well on your way to OpenGL freedom!!!
Hey everyone!

Thanks for the help i will download the files and check out NeHe''s website.


I felt that I would just clarify a point here... Wraith said that you need glu.h and glaux.h, but this is incorrect. All you need to develop a GL app is gl.h, though it may help to include the others to make matters easier. It should be noted, though, that glu.h and glaux.h are obselete -- GLUT has replaced both of these. You can download GLUT here in either the Code Vault or Developer''s Resources. Also, if you do not use glu.h and glaux.h, their respective libraries need not be linked.

Original post by node_5r

hey all,

I am a newbie to opengl programming and i was wondering if all i need to program in opengl is just the drivers to support it or are there special headerfiles that i need. AHHHH i am confused here can you help?


Basically you need to download either SGI or MS versions of the opengl libraries. I would also suggest glut if you are learning open gl as it allows you to concentrate on the api. You will need header files and a C compiler (I reocmmend Visual C++ or Borland C 5.02) but the headers com with the SGI distribution (maybe also MS?) anyway... Check out for plenty of links to the above and tutorials.

Actually, glu is needed by glut. Look at the glut headers. Still need to link glu32.lib too.

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