After getting "black squares" rendered on my "bloom" post process:
So i searched and read this thread where i think L.Spiro had same problem.
Then i searched my HLSLs programs to find where i could have NaNs.
Found one problem in my point light shader:
float4 posVS = gbPosition_tex.Sample(sampPointClamp, tc);
// this has no effect !
if (IsNAN(posVS))
posVS = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (any(isinf(posVS)))
posVS = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
... //code skipped, nothing else touches posVS
float3 v = normalize(;
// but if i uncomment this there is NO more black squares !
//if (IsNAN(v))
// v = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
...// rest of lightning computation
Please read comments in code.
IsNAN is defined like this (i cant use "native" isnan function because i cant set /Gis option inside VS2013 for fxc compiler options):
bool IsNAN(float n)
return (n < 0.0f || n > 0.0f || n == 0.0f) ? false : true;
bool IsNAN(float2 v)
return (IsNAN(v.x) || IsNAN(v.y)) ? true : false;
bool IsNAN(float3 v)
return (IsNAN(v.x) || IsNAN(v.y) || IsNAN(v.z)) ? true : false;
bool IsNAN(float4 v)
return (IsNAN(v.x) || IsNAN(v.y) || IsNAN(v.z) || IsNAN(v.w)) ? true : false;
wtf is going on?