As the title says, the function below is crashing the Unreal Engine but I can't understand the reason...
I'm pretty sure that the first line is good.
But the variable "World" in the second line, if I try to access a public variable of it (like GridHeight in the line below it), the engine immediately crash. I haven't the slightest idea of why... Any guess of what is happening?
void UWormHelperFunctions::WorldLocationToGridID(UObject* WorldContextObject, FVector Location, int& Row, int& Column)
UWorld* World = Cast<UWorld>(WorldContextObject);
AWormGameMode* GameMode = Cast<AWormGameMode>(World->GetAuthGameMode());
if (GameMode->IsValidLowLevel())
int RowMiddleID = (GameMode->GridHeight / GameMode->GridBlockSize) / 2;
int ColumnMiddleID = (GameMode->GridWidth / GameMode->GridBlockSize) / 2;
int GridBlockSize = GameMode->GridBlockSize;
Row = -Location.Z / GridBlockSize + RowMiddleID;
Column = Location.X / GridBlockSize + ColumnMiddleID;