
Pricing Advice

Started by September 04, 2017 09:53 AM
4 comments, last by Tom Sloper 7 years ago


I need a get a quote very soon to a mid level game company for a single screen design. A multi-layered 2D reward screen in Photoshop. Size is 5200 x 2048pixels . Game will be ad free and sold as an iOS and Android app. Thanks for any help or advice. Have about an hour to send them one. :)


Looks like you asked this question about 7AM Eastern time (eastern USA) and didn't get a response until this one, 2 hours after your deadline. So what did you decide? A rate based on how many hours you figured it would take? Or a rate based on a single piece of art (or is it a wireframe rather than finished art - you didn't say)?

-- Tom Sloper --


Hi Tom,

Haha! I am in Poland and forget about the time difference. Happy to say my newest client accepted my quote for a flat rate. It's finished art. A solid day's work. Maybe two with edits. I just found out a few minutes ago. Super stoked. I really like their art style and it will be a fun challenge to adapt to it.

Hope you are having a great Labor Day weekend. Football season is almost starting and I can't watch the NFL here. GO EAGLES!

Thanks for responding.




Just checked out your web site, Tom, great stuff! 

I remember playing my Activision Skiing game. One of my all time favs.. don't know why but it was.



35 minutes ago, jonathanwilsonart said:

forget about the time difference.

I mentioned it because the time difference is the reason why you didn't get a reply sooner. Glad you got the gig.

And I didn't work on that skiing game (it was made several years before my time at Activision).

-- Tom Sloper --

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