Here's my dilemma, I have this bunch of variable inside a class
HINSTANCE mhAppInstance{};
HWND mhWindow{};
std::string mWindowCaption{};
UINT32 mClientWidth{};
UINT32 mClientHeight{};
bool mWindowed{};
bool mMinimized{};
bool mMaximized{};
bool mResizing{};
GameTimer mTimer{};
bool mAppPaused{};
D3D_DRIVER_TYPE mDriverType{};
ID3D11Device* mDevice{};
ID3D11DeviceContext* mImmediateContext{};
IDXGISwapChain* mSwapChain{};
ID3D11Texture2D* mDepthStencilBuffer{};
ID3D11RenderTargetView* mRenderTargetView{};
ID3D11DepthStencilView* mDepthStencilView{};
D3D11_VIEWPORT mScreenViewport{};
//D3D Settings
bool mEnable4xMsaa{};
UINT m4xMsaaQuality{};
and I have all 0 initiazed them trough curly brackets, but now I was thinking to take it a step further and write inside the curly brackets the initial state of my bools.
To me this seems perfect because I have a huge list of variables with all their starting states as soon as I open the header page without need to scroll up and down if I where to initialize them inside the cpp, so flipping pages is faster than scroll up and down (at least for me)...but despite this convenience that seems obvious to me, It seems like everyone go and initialize their variable in the constructor.
So I was wondering, I am doing it wrong and there are serious concerns and reason I should know about for not doing it in the way I am or is just a stylistic choice? (I don't think it is since too many people seems doing it that way...)