Hello. I would like to ask you all:
What are the features that a program/library/module needs to have to be called a 'game engine' I have been working for years on my little and still very incomplete Python 3D engine and I found today that it is not mentioned in any list of engines! While this has the advantage of not adding pressure on me, it still feels a little wrong. I'm thinking that it is ignored because it still lacks something very important that prevent it from being considered a real game engine., but I don't see what. Right now it features:
- Forward Rendering with OpenGL 3.2
- GPU Animations
- Sounds
- Physics
- Cross platform windowing
- Totally incomplete GUI (Panel, Image, Label)
- Lights
- Full screen effects system (none included)
- Plug-in system (None included)
- The beginning of an Editor
What do you think it needs, besides more work on what it already has? Thanks.