I'm bringing this up, because today was the third time my tech bubble was recently violated in a way that I would classify as consumer-hostile and borderline intrusive. I'm talking about the recent update to Spotify's web player interface and my latest surprise heart attack - the spectacular assault on reality, known as the redesigned Skype 8 update (in my case on Android - I've no idea where else they've rolled out the changes at this point). I've managed to calm myself marginally about the former, but right now I'm probably even more infuriated about the latter than I was about Spotify when the change hit.
Also, if you're familiar with video editing, then this also applies to the latest change Adobe made to text editing in Premiere Pro when they completely hid the traditional titling tool and blindly forced the new (still) heavily lacking Essential Graphics travesty down anyone's throat who was brave enough to keep their software up to date.
So - let's recap what happened in all three cases:
- a multi-billion dollar company took a functional and well-established product and changed it
- they got rid of MOST of the features any marginally more serious user than a grandma used on a daily basis
- they "streamlined" the service by making it less responsive and less intuitive to use
- they removed any semblance of anything that might be construed as "settings" or "options"
- they replaced the above with meaningless trite like "choose your color"
- they completely revamped the UI, in particular towards a minimalistic tablet-style solution (large letters, lots of empty space)
- they apparently fired anyone who had any guts to say anything about the changes or flat out executed their product testing team
- they rolled out the changes overnight in an automatic update with none of the following:
- a way to opt out
- a way to opt in
- a chance to sample the update
- a chance to roll back (not true in Adobe's case)
- a chance to give feedback directly
- a chance to understand what the hell just happened
These are massive companies making groundbreaking changes like children.
Make no mistake - these changes were not tested. Because if they were, they would know that the new version of Skype lags like hell. They would know that the new version of Spotify's web interface does not find the music you're looking for - even if you're fine with it not having 90% of the features it used to have. And you would know that when you write a text editing tool, then Shift-Arrow, Shift-Home/End and Ctrl+A should probably do something with the selection of the text you're currently working with, not scrub the timeline in a completely different window. These problems are beyond obvious and should never have made it past basic quality testing.
These changes were likely unpopular already internally, because if they weren't these would be released as optional "cool new" alternative features (kind of what Lastpass does with its revamped UI). These wouldn't be MASSIVE overnight changes that absolutely obliterate the user experience and are introduced prematurely (at best) with a 40-second marketing video.
These changes are not immutable milestones on a timeline. Because these companies have the means (I'm not necessarily talking about the will) to scrap a failed iteration. Neither are these products facing a myriad of expectations in terms of changes. In fact, while in Adobe's case progress was likely widely hoped for, none of these three products were flat out broken. Now they are. Can I find a friend or their playlists on Spotify? NO. Can I intuitively edit something as basic as text in one of the premier video editing tools in the world (pun somewhat intended)? NO. Can I choose a goddamn emoticon, which is not in the empty most recent list, in the most widely used (hey, I'm assuming!) messaging app in the world? HELL. NO. What about changing my online status then? Get outta here!
I'll give Adobe SOME leeway here as they've actually rolled out an update to partially alleviate their respective problems since then. But that's an update that should have been part of the update that broke their software in the first place. Like, what the hell? Nobody expects you to release updates on a predetermined schedule that YOU decide. Just make a better schedule and release software that doesn't break people's work flow and in many cases cause them to lose real money because of time lost to learning how to sidestep your broken features. Or, you know, warn us about it...
That being said, the lackluster and absolutely nerve-wrecking changes both Spotify and now Microsoft have made are beyond any form of logic to me. I have one question to ask: why!?
I mean, I'm a semi-advanced (or in these particular cases, an relatively expert) user. I know my settings and I love my options. Though I can also understand if you want to reduce clutter and make your thing more slick. Just give me that one option, which spells out "Advanced" in itsy bitsy tiny letters. Don't resort to completely removing anything that might even remotely resemble a settings menu from your application. You still have the settings. They haven't gone anywhere. I know you have them, because you need to configure your bloody application somehow! And I'm not saying I was necessarily happy with Skype's interface before (okay, I thought it was convoluted and unwieldy to the point where it felt like it should be completely redone). But now they've torched everything and gone all the way back to 1970. Like... goddamn, you people... Stop!
Just stop.
And THINK for a moment.
That being said - I'm not quite as mad about Spotify, because they transitioned their player from Flash to HTML5. It was still hostile to the consumer, but I do realize that many people use the web player to circumvent the paywall (heyho, Adblock), so that might have been their little revenge. But I'm going to fault Adobe (which is in the business of designing prosumer productivity tools) and Microsoft (which in this case is in a unique position to provide a service that is both well-established and heavily used) to the fullest.
Most importantly, all these companies have recently made changes that are going to screw up any semblance of a nuanced software market in the future - these changes in popular products are all designed to dumb everything down to the point of "how straight can we make this curve without turning it into a line", and they are inevitably going to act like erasers on most consumers. They're going to dim our memory and eventually (which, let's be honest, is a matter of months to a few years) completely reform our expectation of what software is and what it can be. And I feel SO sorry for that, because the services these products purport to provide are actually fantastic.
The set of applications that have lost their accessibility in favor of "accessibility" (usually at the expense of performance and, you know, accessibility) is ever-growing. Windows itself, the Office suite (which now even has the cool new feature of crashing randomly), proprietary Android distros (which are becoming more like iOS every day, but still fail to copy the most basic of accessibility features they so desire to emulate, like searchable settings) and so forth. These changes are being force-fed to us and feedback like this probably doesn't even make it near the review board.
So, if anyone from the Skype product management team happens to read this - well done, you've just screwed not only your customer base, but you've undermined both your product and the future software in general. Claps to you!
Which brings me back to the question posed in the topic - given this trend, what is the future of software anyway?