20 hours ago, KostadinPetkov said:
I really dislike discussing history on forums and probably non us will gain anything
Why not. Actually discussing history should be encouraged, as long as nobody is trying to smear/hide what actually happened no matter how dark and bleak.
Since I have never lived in Europe, and the longest period I have ever put my feet on European soil was just over one week, here's what I think (and was taught) happened in Europe chronologically:
1. Greek Philosophy and democracy happened.
2. Then the Roman Empire happened. Lots of the blood spilled, lots of war, but in the end, several hundred years of Roman civilization. The Romans kind-of took the Greek's philosophy and democracy into practice at a larger scale. Also, administration and aqueducts.
3. Roman Empire collapsed, then nothing happened for close to 1000 years (?) except misery, the Black Plague, and corrupt Catholic Church, until the Renaissance.
4. Renaissance happened, lots of paintings and sculptures, science, and also the crusader wars with the Ottoman.
5. Then the colonization happened, where Europeans suddenly got rich from enslaving dozens of countries. If you want to talk about politics, this is where the "white man's fault" or "whitewashing of history" practically begins its history. As someone with Asian background, we all knew that the Asians (not just the Chinese, but also Indians, Persians, Middle Eastern) had explored and traded with other continents (including America) and countries long before the Renaissance happened, but none of us really had the urge to invade or colonize at the scale of what the Europeans did (one major exception is the Mongols and the Huns, although the Huns were more barbaric in nature and cared less about building an empire).
Now back to present.
Many people outside of Europe still believe that Europeans are still reaping the rewards of the colonization until today. The whitewashing of history, the identity that 'white people are better looking', racial stereotypes, and so on and so forth. So much wealth and resources were earned during the colonization period that some may argue that it's still going even until today. Many countries in Europe got their 'developed' status despite their lack of natural resources, while the richer (colonized) countries who had received their independence many still stuck at the 'developing' status. They argue that this is because the Europeans purposely prevented the locals (the colonized) from receiving education because they were meant to be kept as slaves. When you give people with lack of education, lack of wealth, lack of identity, and lack of power a sudden possession of power like a country, they will turn corrupt. A typical characteristic of a 3rd world country (many of which were colonies) is a corrupt and authoritarian government but does not know how to run a country.
Anyway, that's what I think of Europe, and many other people perhaps more-or-less share this view. I am not labeling the present Europeans evil, but do think that they are enjoying many benefits that they are taking for granted from the colonization era. Because of this, any white person (European/America/Australian) who formed strong and vocal but distasteful opinions of how other race look, or how people in other countries live, or (appropriation of) their culture, can receive backlash due to the assumed ignorance from living in a privileged life at the expense of others. Kind of like an ex-master who criticized how an ex-slave should live when the master himself had imposed so much damage physically and psychologically to the slave.
I also think this is why the White-Black relations in America is taking a very long time to heal. You don't cripple someone then make fun of them for sitting on a wheelchair.