27 minutes ago, frob said:That's the trick, isn't it?
I'm wary of calling it "lazy" in all cases. All development has a cost. The cost of assorted skin textures is very low but not quite zero. For a hobby developer, that cost financially is relatively large. Instead of buying/finding a single texture, they now need several at several times the cost or effort. For programs in the past that needed to fit on tiny cartridges or downloadable bundles measured in kilobytes or megabytes that cost in terms of space can also be large.
For large teams in professional settings who have the resources to change a few skin textures, though, I agree it is mostly laziness. There may be some UI costs and some systems work, but relative to the rest of the game it is small if designed from the beginning.
More versus better is why I said what I did above. I wrote for WW2-era games realism means predominantly white males (about 80%) if you're striving for a realistic number for the main game. Critically, that doesn't mean 100% white, nor does it mean 100% male. A studio building a WW2-era game that claims they chose exclusively white males for historical accuracy is being lazy/cheap.
If you're not looking for a realistic blend and you have the budget, let them be whatever options you can imagine. Pick a mix of races and genders, even skin tones adjusted by a color-picker so you can have blue skin, red skin, green skin, whatever.
"More versus "better" is important both in real life and in game designs.
Better diversity does not mean equally represented, with 50% male and 50% female, and each race or ethnicity represented in equal shares, although frequently that's what you hear from people wanting "more" diversity. For many reasons (both good and bad) there are socially prevalent gender roles. In the US, about 91% of nurses are female, about 94% of childcare workers are female, about 99% of bricklayers and stonemasons are male, about 98% of all fire fighters are male. Computer programming is a similar mix to nursing, about 90% male and slowly shifting more female. While people constantly debate if the ratios are healthy for society, it is foolish to ignore the fact that they exist and are the levels that they really are.
Based on that knowledge, for our real life diversity that means women programmers should be about one in ten and stay at the ratio as studios grow. A studio who has 45 male programmers and 5 female programmers is right on target for gender diversity. Racial diversity depends on location, but again should be roughly those of the demographics around them. In that environment people aiming for a mix of 50/50, or even 70/30, are pushing for "more" rather than "better".
Using that knowledge in the game's diversity, I would expect that if visiting an elementary school in the game I'd see an equal gender mix of children but a mostly female teaching staff. Players visiting a construction site would expect mostly males. Shoppers in a grocery store would be about 3/4 female, shoppers at a hardware store about 3/4 male. Demographics of the area matter as well, the area outside a building should have a similar racial makeup as those inside the building. A level designer wanting to make them all equally gendered and equally raced is confusing "more" with "better".
Better diversity does not mean perfectly equal distribution. In games it can mean enabling more choices for skin tones so players have options, but even then it should not mean perfectly equal distribution. Those who fight for a perfect 50/50 gender balance or equal racial divisions may have "more", but it is certainly not "better".
It doesn't need to be just about gender and skin color.
Many games these days follow a good balance to elements beyond gender and skin color. Traveling to a mage city has more mages but still a mix of rogues and soldiers, traveling to a military barracks will be mostly buff soldiers but still some mages and rogues. Or if you've got a mix of humans, elves, dwarfs, rat-men, and treefolk, expect the city in the forest would be mostly treefolk, some elves, and an appropriate mix of others blended in, similarly an underground fortress I'd expect predominantly dwarfs and rat-men but almost no treefolk. Not "more" diversity, but "better" diversity.
Well, lazy might be the wrong term anyway. It somehow puts the developers in a bad light when they simply might not have the time and resources, and their publishers / investors pushed them to create a more traditional, less risky product.
I feel that is the problem behind many problems in AAA development nowadays. So many interests to take into account yet so little resources to spend.
I absolutely agree with everything you said. Yes, I think we SHOULD show diversity as it is in our society. And to add to that, I understand that there is interest to concentrate more on showing the genders /ethnicities that got underrepresented in games with new releases. I absolutely agree. We need more black heroes (not so sure about female ones... 4 of 5 games I will buy for my PS4 this year feature female protagonists... seems like women are already featured as protagonists quite often, but that is besides the point).
But I feel like often, instead of giving them their OWN story and their OWN games, they get tacked on. Because again, the AAA industry wants to have their cake and eat it too. When they need to sell the product to EVERYONE, diversity as portrayed by these games will often be a frankensteins monster.
I guess we have to look forward to smaller, maybe even Indie releases, to really put minorities and different genders in the spotlight without twisting the diversit into something weird. Or just enjoy the few instances were minorities and different genders are implemented into an AAA game well, like in Horizon Zero dawn (I don't get the whole drama around the matriarchical society of ONE SINGLE faction in the game, really... besides that it handles diversity well IMO).