I am fascinated by the origins of life. I love entertaining ideas about where this all came from, and why and what is subjective experience? Is conscious experience really just an inevitable expression of the brain and free-will is just an illusion as Daniel Dennet suggests, or is it an essential ingredient in defining self-organising systems as Christopher Langan says ( My own interpretation of the his mad...?? genius ), or is it a waste of mental energy thinking insight could be gleaned from the unknowable.
Anyways, if you're on board so far I'd like to say that I'm particularly fascinated by Pilobolus fungus. The first time I saw Pilobolus fungus on BBC documentary 'Life' I was just in awe. How does such a thing achieve such complexity? Especially since fungi came before cellular life.. so interesting.
So one day while at work I came up with a proposed computer simulation that could ~kinda~ simulate the life cycle of Pilobolus fungus. I'm going to be making up a whole lot here and I'm going to make a lot of erroneous assumptions about the complexity of cells. I'm hoping someone who knows what they're talking about can show me the errors in logic.
When I talk of 'system' I mean the actual Pilobolus fungus, o.k I'll try my best to convey the idea:
- Within the fungus is DNA containing instructions/chemical bonds which have developed in complexity over the many iterations of the self-organising system. Through inevitable external/environmental interactions, the fungal spore synthesises and facilitates the processing of billions of chemical bonds resulting in RNA. Through similar processes mentioned in the previous sentence Protein bonds begin to fill the system. O.k, this is where I just simplify the hell out of this idea, so the system creates protein A, B, C, D and E. Each Protein has a bonding-potential given the right external conditions. At first the single spore develops a disproportionate amount of Protein A, which is good because protein A is responsible for cellular division ( hyphae ). Mean while Proteins B through E just slowly build up in concentration. Eventually the concentration of Protein B reaches a point where it's forced to develop an equilibrium with it's surrounding environment (thanks to maybe sunlight, moisture, dryness, nitrogen...) as a result a new type of structure emerges ( stalk ). Perhaps with the addition of the stalk a new set of environmental conditions allow for protein C to begin doing its bonds to achieve an equilibrium and develops the ( cap ). Now the cap happens to have an elastic component to it. As moisture is pushed to the extremities of the system the concentration of protein D builds up and creates a sort of one-way valve/gate, and moisture begins to accumulate within the cap. Eventually the whole system develops an equilibrium with its external environment and an equilibrium within itself. Once this state is achieved the system begins to self-germinate ( or it begins to foster the creation of spores within the system ). These spores are pushed to the extremities of the system and are trapped behind the one-way gate. Eventually the cap bursts. Protein E does nothing significant during this iteration.-
What do you think?