Hello guys,
I have a fully working PBR and IBL implementation and now want to integrate translucency into my engine.
I read up on translucency and decided to go with: https://colinbarrebrisebois.com/2011/03/07/gdc-2011-approximating-translucency-for-a-fast-cheap-and-convincing-subsurface-scattering-look/.
I don't understand how this works with IBL; A pointlight okay. But what do you do with an environment map?
My understanding of a BSSRDF is that a fragment is shaded according to many light rays coming from various points on the surface and scattering through the medium + diffuse and specular part; I can see how the thickness map is a approximation of that using only a pointlight and a constant ambient term; An envmap however has to be sampled multiple times because now the ambient term is no more constant and so the light rays that scatter through the surface are of different wavelengths everytime.
I think the described method doesn't fit a PBR implementation, does it?
So my question: How can I implement this method with IBL and are there better approaches to translucency that fit PBR better?