
Hardware recommendation suggestions

Started by May 21, 2017 03:06 PM
12 comments, last by jbadams 7 years, 8 months ago

It's not clear if you're putting together gear for a team/company or just yourself.

Is that the budget for computers or the entire game budget?

A simple mobile game (at a professional level where you actually stand a chance of making a profit) probably involves about $50-100k in labor costs (assuming standard rates for experienced developers in a first world country). Also if hiring contractors, they will supply their own computers so you don't need to buy anything, except your own PC and a central server (NAS/etc) for file storage if you want.

Dedicated machines for automated testing is necessary if you're putting together a large team... but aren't terribly useful if it's just you. I'd save that $10k and spend it on hiring contractors when you need to.

Well in the beginning it will just be me but with all of these meet up groups and such who knows. and yes I might be living in the old days but I am thinking throw a network back together and just moving forward.

i do come from a time when windows for work groups was the thing to have LOL.

You may as well light your money on fire. Even if you're independently wealthy, wasteful spending is a certain way to bring a hobby or vocation to a premature halt.

Please, for your own sake, be responsible.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

You're absolutely being premature. Get yourself a computer and get to work, only buy more if you actually need it. Buying a bunch of extra systems on the off chance you MIGHT need them is a bit silly.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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