
Hardware recommendation suggestions

Started by May 21, 2017 03:06 PM
12 comments, last by jbadams 7 years, 4 months ago

In 2012 I had an accident so any and all development I was doing stopped.

Now I am going to get back into game development on the PC side MMO and on the windows, android, apple smartphone and tablet side

Now I am thinking 3 laptops (I do want and need HD for the laptops) 2 desktops I am also thinking 1 file server 1 back up file server 2 production server (pc and smartphone and tablet) and 2 test servers for each. operating system I am thinking win 10pro.

What would yall recommend hardware wise?

any links and suggestions would rock.

Depends on what kind of game development you do. Is it graphics intensive?


For the PC it the game i am thinking of will be an MMO so graphics heavy I would say mid level

Why do you need 3 laptops? It's 2017 you would have to hunt and likely get old stuff to get non-HD at this point. Why 2 desktops? What's the justification? 5 person team? Any reason for a file server? Use DropBox or something for a lot less money, they eat the hardware costs and backup costs. You don't have to waste time which you will have little to none of fighting hardware issues as they creep up.

Now each team member will need a computer, either desktop or laptop and multiple monitors. Always get the best you can. You're making an MMO so like 20-40 artists, 10 or so level designers and 5-10 programmers along with some designers and writers should get you started. Anything less, it will be very unlikely to get any traction and player base. Most indie MMOs do not do well nor last long. Some may, but it's rare.

Just a reality check. It can be done with fewer but unlikely to ever be called an MMO or have more than a few concurrent players at a time.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

I am looking at the hard ware for development and the servers to have everything on site. The problem with the cloud or drop box is simple someone else has your data and having your data in your hand is better then allowing someone else to control it.

I am going to get back into development so I am thinking a 5 seat network isn't bad and while yes I will need help at some point right now its me just spending time working on a hobby software development.

I got a quote from dell and getting others from other manufactures but figured I would get a suggestion from the developer stand point.

Any suggestions?

I am looking at the hard ware for development and the servers to have everything on site. The problem with the cloud or drop box is simple someone else has your data and having your data in your hand is better then allowing someone else to control it.

Was interested in what answers people would give to @[member='icreepin'], on this as I can identify with his reason, but surprise surprise - none

Has he got a valid point?

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...


For a small team, you don't need any big fancy servers.

A tiny little NAS running Linux, such as a Synology DiskStation, is enough to handle all your file storage problems (and even run a few kinds of servers if required). Back it up to the cloud (encrypt everything first if you're paranoid), and/or onto external hard-drives that you personally carry out of the office.

One desktop or laptop per developer is fine.

If you're making an online game, you'd be crazy to actually host it on your own hardware -- it's much cheaper to rent someone else's hardware in a data center... so you don't need any production servers in your office. You can probably run test/dev servers on your actual development PC's.

What's your budget, OP? Because if you've got a few grand to burn... I'd honestly say do a small number of desktops and a NAS device, and worry about provisioning other hardware as-needed.

If you don't have a hefty budget, it's kind of premature to be talking about multiple machines let alone server hardware. Build yourself a (single) decent desktop for $1k and save your money for food.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

Allow me to say that "develop a MMO for 4 platforms" and "need recommendation on buying a computer" are kinda antipodals on the "can do" chart.

You might want to buy 1 machine, preferrably a desktop since the price-power ratio is better (and maybe a NAS for version control and backup) and let it be there until you have something that works on one platform and supports 3-4 concurrent players. At least.

Just saying... you will almost certainly just burn a lot of money otherwise.

I am thinking I have about a $10k budget and the development computers I will keep separate from the computers used to do what I am doing now post on forums answer emails and simply search.

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