
Linux network problem

Started by November 28, 2001 03:24 PM
1 comment, last by stefu 22 years, 10 months ago
I had D-Link DFE530TX (via-rhine II) network card but couldn't get it workin at all in linux (Transmit timed up, resetting ... bla bla bla). I changed it to well supported RealTek chipset: Realtek 8139. It worked well right away in bot Win and Lin. But now there's going something weird. (My computer has Athlon 1GHz and Soltek SL-75KAV motherboard with integrated sound) Network speed is unbelieveable slow in Debian Linux (~300B/s, in Windows works like before ~300KB/s). Current kernel version is 2.4.14 ifconfig eth0 say that io_addr=0x6000. But in windows it's 0xe800, also rtl-diag (from says currenlt io_addr=0xe800. Also with D-Link the iobase was 0xe800 and if I remember right when i installed Realtek the iobase was then 0xe800, and it was then workin ok. I tried also with kernel 2.4.13. ifconfig didn't show io_addr at all and rtl-diag showed again 0xe800. What might be the problem here? Btw. What is mmapped io? I don't have it my current kernel. Should I enable it? Could anyone help. I'v been trying to thought if I'v made something that could cause, but I'v just rebuilt kernel few times setting up for sounds to work. edit: here ifconfig result (there are errors) eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:FC:49:D9:D7 inet addr: (bla bla bla this is ok) UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:53337 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:7273 errors:187 dropped:343 overruns:0 carrier:187 collisions:14543 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:19617498 (18.7 Mb) TX bytes:688828 (672.6 Kb) Interrupt:11 Base address:0x6000 ------------------------ Another problem with modules. At the beginning I see some error messages (they are not seen by dmesg later): Can't locate modules: soundlow, ac97_codec, soundcore,sound,parport_pc,vfat,binfmt and few others. This is weird since I haven't installed any modules (in make xconfig). Sound driver is built in kernel, I don't have OSS sound modules installed. Also vfat is built in kernel and I can use my windows drives (they r vfat). Who does print those errors? Very much thank's for any ideas and support that helps to make my linux workin properly. I still have a long TODO-list. I just configured automounting and it's now working properly. Edited by - stefu on November 28, 2001 4:27:48 PM Edited by - stefu on November 28, 2001 4:44:12 PM
I can explain the modules thing at least...

Its not weird, you said it yourself - you didn''t install any modules when you compiled your kernel. Those errors messages are from an rc file. I don''t know about debian, but on slackware this would be /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
I can explain the modules thing at least...

Its not weird, you said it yourself - you didn''t install any modules when you compiled your kernel. Those errors messages are from an rc file. I don''t know about debian, but on slackware this would be /etc/rc.d/rc.modules

Well, if I don''t install modules I shouldn''t ask them! Right? vfat is built-intn kernel, not as module. vfat works, it doesn''t need any modules!

And more: How can I build those modules? I run make xconfig, but there isn''t any ac97_codec modules to select! Where can I install it??? I saw they are in kernel-source, but I can''t select them to be installed as modules.

How can I install those modules then? For example sound.o and sound_core.o?

Anyone please help me with the network. Any config tools, commands diags that tells me what''s wrong?

I can''t manually force the io_base to 0xe800

> ifconfig eth0 io_addr 0xe800
io_addr: SIOCSIFMAP: Operation not supported

What I noticed too is that at day time the problem doesn''t seem to exist. Might it be that the problem exists when the network is more loaded? But why it affects only Linux, not windows? But it should never be that slow (~200B/s)!

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