It's actually better than having a single US company with an OS that is literally a spyware responsible for the information of your (not-US) government. That's what I meant by stupidity. One is accident or unspoted malicious patch, the other is intentional by the developers.
What complete and utter nonsense. Take your conspiracy mongering garbage somewhere else. This was a system bug like anything else, including heartbleed.
...while an OS like Windows simply has weak security by default, for "friendliness". Replacing dynamic libraries on Windows by malicious version is pretty easy, files and folders have weak permission system.
Entirely false. System components are now checksummed, admin privileges are not assigned by default, and there aren't significant configuration problems. While these things CAN be circumvented, the circumvention approaches are equally as effective on other operating systems. We live in a world where it's now likely possible at any given time to attack a Linux server running on a VM, jump the Xen hypervisor, and take over the host. We have SEEN these bugs being sold in the wild.
kernel configuration in a single flat database (registry)
The registry does not work that way.
bad permission system
I said it already but the permission system is a perfectly robust ACL based design shared by many other systems. I'm more concerned that you might think the old owner/group/user octal permission system is a good thing, which would be a shockingly lax security approach.
weak separation between user space and kernel space
In what way, exactly? You don't know, do you. Come back when you can explain why it's somehow less separated than Linux or OSX.
What is so dificult about replacing a dynamic library or having access to database files?
Are you just making shit up now?
The permission system on Windows was designed with single-user access in mind, migrating to muti-user later
No, it wasn't. It was assigning admin access to all users by default, which was bad. That's no longer the case, and the exploits we see in the wild are privileges escalations that exist in some form or another on all operating systems.
On Windows, it's just *confortable* to give a "normal" user admin permissions (a.k.a. modify anything in folders like /Program Files/ and /System32/) rather than switch to root user (or run a command with root ~sudo~ permission) and be done with it.
Not only is this wrong, it's also not how the exploits today work. Because it's wrong.
The weak permission system makes fairly easy to have access to the files where a database is stored (usually somewhere in /Program Files/) and encrypt it
That is not happening, save a few cases where program installers are deliberately assigning bad permissions to their own files. I've seen that all the time on Linux boxes.
since the kernel is composed of dynamic libraries
No, it's not. The kernel is one file and it loads dynamic drivers pretty much just like Linux loads drivers.
Normal user doesn't have admin permissions? Choose one of the powerpoint vunerabilities to deliver your malware as a OLE object and gain admin access.
Yeah, that's called a privilege escalation exploit. They happen to every OS. Yes, they're bad. No, they're not at all the same thing as users having admin permissions.
And all those NHS databases wouldn't be damaged if it wasn't simply because those normal users had admin access by default.
You don't know the first fucking thing about how NHS databases are configured. You don't know the first thing about how medical systems are configured. Frankly, a lot of the companies that put these systems together don't understand security in the first place and no OS could save them from their own idiocy. These are frequently people who would have a chmod -R 777 in their install script if it were a unix style platform.
Go back to Slashdot or whatever random hole you crawled out of to waste our time.