
Well-Known SciFi Writer Looking for Networking

Started by February 20, 2017 12:48 AM
18 comments, last by jbadams 7 years, 7 months ago

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Kenneth Eng is well known, just not for his writing skills (or more aptly, lack of any).


My writings have been featured on FOX News

I guess all of this can really just be summed up in this interview which I am assuming is what he references to having been featured on Fox news.

My writings have been featured on FOX News

I guess all of this can really just be summed up in this interview which I am assuming is what he references to having been featured on Fox news.

His comments on religion are bleeped out of all things?

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I guess all of this can really just be summed up in this interview which I am assuming is what he references to having been featured on Fox news.

That was before he was arrested and sent to a mental hospital for assessment after he threatened to kill his neighbour.

Furthermore, I have several low-budget scripts for those who also work in film as well as video games. If anyone is interested, let me know.

One of them is a low-budget feature with a black guy as the lead. I'm not sucking up to political correctness, I just felt it was interesting for this particular project.


Furthermore, I have several low-budget scripts for those who also work in film as well as video games. If anyone is interested, let me know.

One of them is a low-budget feature with a black guy as the lead. I'm not sucking up to political correctness, I just felt it was interesting for this particular project.

At this point, there is such a substantive disconnect between the OP and his replies and what responses there have been by other members of this site that it would appear this thread serves no purpose whatsoever.

For those conservatives or neutrals here, I am seeking constructive comments and or leads that might result in employment in video games. I do not have much to offer except my mere skills, but I respectfully approach members who are willing to talk to me in a reasonable fashion.

Kenneth, you said you're interested in "a position" in the game industry. Can you be more specific? If you're looking for job advice, then the Game Industry Job Advice board is for you. If your purpose in posting in the Lounge is networking, then I guess you've begun.

-- Tom Sloper --

Sorry Kenneth, but this isn't going anywhere useful.

Some points, in no particular order:

  • This is a discussion forum, and largely ignoring the other participants does not work well.
  • If you're claiming to be someone with celebrity status, you should probably substantiate that claim, otherwise, you risk being mistaken for a troll or imitator.
  • Assuming you are Kenneth Eng, you are not in fact well known as a sci-fi writer. Don't buy into your own marketing too much!
  • I've read that you're a self-professed troll. That sort of behaviour is NOT welcome here, and you will be removed if it is deemed that you are behaving in that manner.

If you want advice on getting in to the industry, we have a Game Industry Job Advice forum where you may read the existing material and post any questions you might have. The fact that you're writing a story featuring a character of a certain race is really not relevant, and you should be aware that the 'experience' you've listed in this topic will not be highly valued in the industry.

Good luck! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

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