
So how many of you are would be one man studios?

Started by February 09, 2017 05:59 PM
20 comments, last by SaurabhTorne 7 years, 7 months ago


To be successful, If you want to seriously monetize your game, outsource as much work as you can. Focus on the fun factor, the aspects of game that would make your game deviant and appealing to the target users (public). But more than that the game needs to have a magnet that makes a gamer wanna buy your game. If your good at this aspect and the only aspect, that is all you need to do as solo. outsource everything else, there are a lot of corners in this world where programmers designers, are ready to help you at lowest cost or share or even free. You just have to fetch those. Trust as many as possible across the world. Trust each other is what we don't have when we are trying to make it big. We still need to earn trust. More than friends we need like minded individuals. That what counts.

Think of it like this, across countries, boundaries, oceans lies a community of game developers. We are above all others, cultures, we have our own religion, being a game developer. Cause we have grown our own culture.

Solo games. about 2-5 years each is a good ingredient to the receipt. No shortcuts.

Finding a partner is a difficult process

I find that best partnerships can work with the friends from school. Even if they are not talented in the given trade, as age matches they sure are great supports, are best resource to help in time management.

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