I had a brief discussion the other day about the legalities of the NVIDIA Linux driver, and none of us came to a concrete conclusion. Since I'm not a lawyer (and currently don't even have a dollar in my name to even afford a lawyer for the most part) I won't make the assumption here.
The question is this. Let's say I/we are building a customized Linux distribution based off of LFS or something, and this Linux distro's purpose were to be used for an embedded platform, such as an arcade cabinet. Would it be illegal to sell such an arcade cabinet if it has the official NVIDIA driver installed? The OS or the driver itself is not going to be sold or anything, but it since it's intending to make money, it seems like there'd be some legality issues. My initial thought was that it may be similar as someone selling their old PC that happened to have an NVIDIA card installed as well as the latest forceware, but then the reality that an arcade cabinet is a platform that is patented, licensed and sold for profit by a vendor, so that likely would be an issue.
http://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/licence.php?lang=us <- this is the license.
Although I won't say much about it, I once worked at Microsoft for the Surface Hub team. The 84" model uses a Quadro K2200 and a specialized driver. My assumption is that Microsoft had to contact NVIDIA and work out a deal with them, that or one of the devs basically just took out everything from the driver that was unnecessary, such as the OpenGL driver and so on. Now, I do understand that there is nouveau that could be used in place of the official driver, especially considering the license is MIT. Although nouveau lacks the performance of the official driver, it's shown some significant improvement within the last month, so depending on the game's visual complexity and feature integration, it may still be a feasible driver to use instead. And considering that it's open source, there's also the possibility of using the nouveau driver API directly (although that's significantly more work for someone who is not skilled in driver level development; and I am more used to Windows driver development practices).
Lastly, I know this is going to be brought up, so I'm going to address it to avoid the thread going off into a tangent for an extended amount of time. Are you really building an arcade cabinet? If so, are you seriously going to attempt to sell one in 2017 when you could just do id@xbox, steam, App Store, Google Play, Amazon, and so forth? The answer to both questions is yes. Back in 2010, I started a thread on coin-op game development (https://www.gamedev.net/topic/563187-coin-op-game-dev/). At the time, I didn't have any money, any sort of hardware to use, nor did I have a place of my own to live (I was technically homeless) so it had to be put on the backburner. Unfortunately, I never was able to have all three within the right time period as now I have the personal space to do/store it but I've been out of a job for 3 months so I can't buy the materials. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be out of the hole soon so I can actually attempt this and plan things out appropriately beforehand. And also, before it's mentioned, I know that the arcade business has been dying for years now and likely never will be the way it was back in the 90s. That is... if you're targeting the US. I would rather (almost exclusively) target Japan/Asia as it still has some market over there (and HTC is planning on opening up a certain number of arcades over there, and a small number in the US/UK). Also, SEGA still does a few arcade titles here and there, but most, if not all of them exclusively in Asia (Japan). Do I plan for it to be lucratively profitable? That's not my goal. It's a personal goal that I want to try at least once in my lifetime. If all else fails, I'll give it to one of my buddies who owns a bar downtown.
So, that's where I'm coming from for the most part. I know some of you will try to talk me out of it, but I'm still going to try once.
What's your opinion on the legalities of the driver distribution? If the license is too much trouble or if nouveau does not suffice, then I will simply use AMD instead if necessary. Thanks in advance. Shogun
EDIT: Sorry for the lack of formatting. I'm using Knoppix and my paragraphs did not get formatted somehow.