So recently I've found myself wanting to know how the games I've played work and how to make my own seemed like the best step to understanding and possibly making some stuff in my free time. I figured what the hell and started by thinking hmm making a mod sounds like it would be easy and I would get the information I'm looking for from the beginning. So I picked up my copy of Skyrim and downloaded the Creation Kit. It felt like I was making big strides towards understanding. Found out how to implement NPCs, make a follower, and so on and so forth. It was cool so I thought "This is easy! I bet making a quest is just as easy."
Made some progress and was stopped at the door because I didn't know jack spit about Papyrus or coding in general. I remember trying to scratch this itch with a video tutorial on Youtube covering C++ but it was never finished and I just dropped it and never returned
Then I had this thought that Skyrim wasn't really scratching my curiousity because well everything is to umm there. Does that make sense? I just feel like stuff is all there for me to use and edit at my pleasure. I realized I wanted to make my own assets game mechanics and not be limited to what the Creation Kit can do. So like a teen leaving his parents home on his own. I left but the information I've been looking for seems complex and doesn't feel right. I figured the best place to start would be figuring out this coding stuff then move on to another aspect of development. So I guess I need to start with a language. What I have gathered is that no one language is better than another just different purposes for each. So basically I've made my mind up on starting with C++ (I'm aware I will most likely at one point work with other languages) so basically where do I start in C++?