Boring and vague "Large data processing, analysis, and decision making" for the kind of stuff that pays bills, but hobby projects have mostly been poking around and more toying with things rather than serious development on any given project.
A few random goals include:
A semi-serious feeling 'tower defence' game themed after modern military forward fire base kind of thing, or possibly WWI trench warfare, with weapon physics/line of fire and communications.
A transport/civil engineering game, with a focus on construction and detailed planning. - Focus being more on designing/building/running infrastructure rather than just saying "Connect these two towns..." and handwaving the majority of the building.
- Lately have been poking at some fluid dynamics stuff and really toying with the idea of possibly doing something mostly aimed at canals.
But really it is all just me playing around with terrain systems in various ways, and honestly less 'game development'.