I would like to start as an indie dev with business in mind. Objective would be to generate enough income for a living in mid term and later become a more professional business.
I have a web dev background, using mostly javascript lately. I don't mind to switch to c++ or java later (did some projects long time ago) but for now have anough new things to learn
I want to start with mobile casual games (puzzles, basic arcade)
I consider Unreal Engine as my choice at the moment because:
-Learn Industry Standard
-with Unreal.js I can code with javascript
-can add impressive graphics to basic atari-style arcade games
-much to learn
-heavy (might be an overkill for basic games)
-unity might be better for mobile but es6 javascript is not usable and unity script (old javascript) not well supported
I considered cocos2d-x as well, but it seems to have less tutorials and for future projects (for me) it seems to be better to know ue4
Now I need advise from people who do business with basic mobile games:
- is it realistic to make considerable income from this kind of games (as indie with low budget)?
- which resources would you generally recommend for business, fast development and learning
- which pitfalls to avoid?
- how to find good local or remote people for cofounding and contracting work
- anything else?
I am a developer with basic gimp/photoshop skills and don't have experience in game design - what kind of people should I find for the rest of core team and which tasks would be easyer to outsource?
I want of course be creative and have fun at work - that's why I don't think it would make sense for me just coding on my own and outsourcing to contructors -I need at least one co-founder to relate to and the budget is really limited