
open/load dialogs

Started by January 21, 2000 08:11 PM
1 comment, last by cyberg 25 years, 1 month ago
hi, i want to use an open/load dialog box in vc++, but i dont find how to do that, must i make my own, but if i''m right, there is a common dialog box for that in windows, but seems that we can only use it with mfc, and i dont want to use mfc in my program, hope that someone can help me, thanks! cyberg
Im not sure this is exacly how hit work (i program in java with VJ++) in WFC(but is very similar to MFC) you have a small collection of dialog box, each are easy to install. But if you want to use you own (i do this myself) you must make them separatly then you "call" When you want.

But once again i Use VJ++ an not VC++, i belive it should be similar.

Correct me if im wrong.....i just want to help!
There are many common dialogs that are standard without using MFC. To find all of them you can look in the Platform SDK documentation under User Input\Common Dialog Boxes. To answer your question, however, you use a call to GetOpenFileName() which takes a LPOPENFILENAME structure as a parameter. This should open a dialog box which asks the user to select a file. The concept is the same for a save as dialog box except that the function call is GetSaveFileName(), which takes the same parameters.

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